Jens J. Krüger
Jens J. Krüger
Professor of Economics, Technische Universität Darmstadt
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The origins of terrorism: Cross-country estimates of socio-economic determinants of terrorism
A Freytag, JJ Krüger, D Meierrieks, F Schneider
European Journal of Political Economy 27, S5-S16, 2011
Productivity and structural change: a review of the literature
JJ Krüger
Journal of Economic Surveys 22 (2), 330-363, 2008
Produktivitäts-und Effizienzanalyse: der nichtparametrische Ansatz
U Cantner, J Krüger, H Hanusch
Springer-Verlag, 2007
Barriers to entry and returns to capital in informal activities: evidence from sub‐Saharan Africa
M Grimm, J Krüger, J Lay
Review of Income and Wealth 57, S27-S53, 2011
The global trends of total factor productivity: evidence from the nonparametric Malmquist index approach
JJ Krüger
Oxford Economic Papers 55 (2), 265-286, 2003
The performance of gatekeepers in innovator networks
H Graf, JJ Krüger
Industry and Innovation 18 (1), 69-88, 2011
Firm survival in the German automobile industry
U Cantner, K Dreßler, JJ Krüger
Empirica 33, 49-60, 2006
Total factor productivity, the East Asian miracle, and the world production frontier
JJ Kaüger, U Cantner, H Hanusch
Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 136 (1), 111-136, 2000
Micro-heterogeneity and aggregate productivity development in the German manufacturing sector: Results from a decomposition exercise
U Cantner, JJ Krüger
Journal of Evolutionary Economics 18, 119-133, 2008
A Monte Carlo study of old and new frontier methods for efficiency measurement
JJ Krüger
European Journal of Operational Research 222 (1), 137-148, 2012
Optimal directions for directional distance functions: an exploration of potential reductions of greenhouse gases
B Hampf, JJ Krüger
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97 (3), 920-938, 2015
Product quality, product price, and share dynamics in the German compact car market
U Cantner, JJ Krüger, R Söllner
Industrial and Corporate Change 21 (5), 1085-1115, 2012
Knowledge and creative destruction over the industry life cycle: the case of the German automobile industry
U Cantner, JJ Krüger, K Von Rhein
Economica 76 (301), 132-148, 2009
Long-run sectoral development: Time-series evidence for the German economy
A Dietrich, JJ Krüger
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 21 (2), 111-122, 2010
Geroski's stylized facts and mobility of large German manufacturing firms
U Cantner, JJ Krüger
Review of Industrial Organization 24, 267-283, 2004
Technical efficiency of automobiles–A nonparametric approach incorporating carbon dioxide emissions
B Hampf, JJ Krüger
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 33, 47-62, 2014
The sources of aggregate productivity growth: US manufacturing industries, 1958–1996
JJ Krüger
Bulletin of Economic Research 60 (4), 405-427, 2008
Productivity dynamics and structural change in the US manufacturing sector
JJ Krüger
Industrial and Corporate Change 17 (4), 875-902, 2008
Weather and Intertemporal Labor Supply: Results from German Time‐Use Data
JJ Krüger, M Neugart
Labour 32 (1), 112-140, 2018
Empirical tools for the analysis of technological heterogeneity and change: Some basic building blocks of ‘evolumetrics’
U Cantner, JJ Krüger
Elgar Companion to Neo-schumpeterian Economics, 493-502, 2007
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