Karla Badillo-Urquiola
Cited by
Cited by
Safety vs. surveillance: what children have to say about mobile apps for parental control
AK Ghosh, K Badillo-Urquiola, S Guha, JJ LaViola Jr, PJ Wisniewski
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2018
A human-centered review of algorithms used within the US child welfare system
D Saxena, K Badillo-Urquiola, PJ Wisniewski, S Guha
🏆Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2020
Let's talk about sext: How adolescents seek support and advice about their online sexual experiences
A Razi, K Badillo-Urquiola, PJ Wisniewski
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2020
A matter of control or safety? Examining parental use of technical monitoring apps on teens' mobile devices
AK Ghosh, K Badillo-Urquiola, MB Rosson, H Xu, JM Carroll, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2018
A framework of high-stakes algorithmic decision-making for the public sector developed through a case study of child-welfare
D Saxena, K Badillo-Urquiola, PJ Wisniewski, S Guha
🏆🏅Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 5 (CSCW2), 1-41, 2021
Stranger danger! social media app features co-designed with children to keep them safe online
K Badillo-Urquiola, D Smriti, B McNally, E Golub, E Bonsignore, ...
Proceedings of the 18th ACM international conference on interaction design …, 2019
Beyond parental control: designing adolescent online safety apps using value sensitive design
K Badillo-Urquiola, C Chouhan, S Chancellor, M De Choudhary, ...
Journal of adolescent research 35 (1), 147-175, 2020
Privacy and power: Acknowledging the importance of privacy research and design for vulnerable populations
N McDonald, K Badillo-Urquiola, MG Ames, N Dell, E Keneski, M Sleeper, ...
Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2020
Risk vs. restriction: The tension between providing a sense of normalcy and keeping foster teens safe online
K Badillo-Urquiola, X Page, PJ Wisniewski
🏆Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2019
Conducting risky research with teens: co-designing for the ethical treatment and protection of adolescents
K Badillo-Urquiola, Z Shea, Z Agha, I Lediaeva, P Wisniewski
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 4 (CSCW3), 1-46, 2021
Abandoned but not forgotten: Providing access while protecting foster youth from online risks
K Badillo-Urquiola, S Harpin, P Wisniewski
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 17-26, 2017
" Strike at the Root": Co-designing Real-Time Social Media Interventions for Adolescent Online Risk Prevention
Z Agha, K Badillo-Urquiola, PJ Wisniewski
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 7 (CSCW1), 1-32, 2023
Cyber workforce development using a behavioral cybersecurity paradigm
BD Caulkins, K Badillo-Urquiola, P Bockelman, R Leis
2016 International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon US), 1-6, 2016
Moving beyond a" one-size fits all" exploring individual differences in privacy
D Wilkinson, M Namara, K Badillo-Urquiola, PJ Wisniewski, ...
Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2018
Understanding the unique online challenges faced by teens in the foster care system
KA Badillo-Urquiola, AK Ghosh, P Wisniewski
Companion of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work …, 2017
Fostering HCI Research in, by, and for Latin America
A Alvarado Garcia, K Badillo-Urquiola, MD Barrera Machuca, FL Cibrian, ...
Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2020
Measuring trust of autonomous vehicles: a development and validation study
D Garcia, C Kreutzer, K Badillo-Urquiola, M Mouloua
HCI International 2015-Posters’ Extended Abstracts: International Conference …, 2015
A review of the gaps and opportunities of nudity and skin detection algorithmic research for the purpose of combating adolescent sexting behaviors
MU Tariq, A Razi, K Badillo-Urquiola, P Wisniewski
Human-Computer Interaction. Design Practice in Contemporary Societies …, 2019
Teen as research-apprentice: A restorative justice approach for centering adolescents as the authority of their own online safety
N Chatlani, A Davis, K Badillo-Urquiola, E Bonsignore, P Wisniewski
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 35, 100549, 2023
Child welfare system: Interaction of policy, practice and algorithms
D Saxena, K Badillo-Urquiola, P Wisniewski, S Guha
Companion Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Conference on Supporting …, 2020
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Articles 1–20